The History of St. Germaine Church
June 2nd, 1962, Fr. Walter J. Sheridan was called to the office of Albert Cardinal Meyer, and charged with the task of founding a new parish in the vicinity of 95th and Kildare in Oak Lawn. By July 1st, word spread around the neighborhood that Mass would be celebrated that day at Brother Rice High School. Within weeks boundaries for the new parish were established, “St. Germaine” was chosen from the pantheon of saints to be our name and patroness, the Columban Fathers were enlisted to help celebrate Mass, and the Presentation Sisters of Dubuque, Iowa, agreed to help found a parish grade school. A house was acquired at 99th and Kenton to serve as a temporary rectory. A chapel was constructed there and the first Mass inside parish boundaries was offered on November 19th, 1962. Daily Masses were offered, confessions heard, and baptisms administered until the new church opened. Fund-raising began in March 1963, and groundbreaking for the church and school began on August 4th. Mass was offered in the new church for the first time on July 26th, 1964, and was by then the spiritual home for nearly 1000 families. St. Germaine School opened its doors in September with 250 students in grades 1 - 4, and has been an integral part of the parish ever since, touching and forming the lives of thousands of children in the faith of Jesus Christ. Those seminal events set into motion a blur of activity, friendship, service, education, faith, and family that has endured ever since. God sent us fine priests, sisters, and deacons to teach us the good news, and they were welcomed and loved in return. God blessed us with gifts to share, and we have spent them joyfully in the service of God and others. God gave us children, and we have made of St. Germaine Parish a place for them to call home. In the beginning, there was only the Women's Club and Holy Name Society to bear the burden of lay ministry and leadership. Since then an amazing array of parish organizations and ministries has emerged to meet the needs of the parish, community, and world. God has been good to our parish through the years. There is much yet to accomplish if His Kingdom is to be built in this place, but the people of St. Germaine have remarkable energy, faith, perseverance, and hope. We take seriously the challenge of Jesus to be his family, and to live and proclaim the Good News. Together we will build our future upon the dreams and accomplishments of those who, forty years ago, founded the Parish Family of St. Germaine.
The Mission of St. Germaine
We, the family of St. Germaine, are a Catholic community which celebrates God's presence in our lives by providing opportunities for spiritual growth and social awareness through worship, education, service and friendship. As a parish community we seek to relate the Gospel to our everyday lives, promote Christian education for all our members, respond to the needs in our parish and world communities, and enjoy and support one another in a spirit of unity and purpose.